High Lighting Service Company installs modern Bluetooth Mesh lighting control system for Historic Trinity Lutheran Church using McWong International’s wireless control modules
We were given the opportunity to completely overhaul the lighting system for Historic Trinity Lutheran Church. This meant teaming up with Parker Reed Lighting & Manufacturing for the luminaires, and McWong International for the wireless Bluetooth Mesh controls. Furthermore, we incorporated the control software from Casambi.
By utilizing McWong’s wireless modules and Casambi’s control software, we were able to give Historic Trinity a modern LED look, along with infinite zone and scene controls for their new lighting. We first starting talking to Historic Trinity when their old halogen lighting controls were failing them, and once they saw the replacement cost for a similar system, they knew they needed another option. We provided crisp, low energy lighting with smooth dimming, and we didn’t have to install new wiring (low voltage) infrastructure. The result was an effective lighting system without the high labor cost, and great dimming/lighting control as described below.
With the addition of the Casambi software, it takes some simple adjustments inside the software to piece and pull each fixture into user created zones. Once setup in zones, scenes can be set. This all can happen with the touch of finger, and without making changes to the existing electrical/hardware. Zones and scenes can be adjusted on the fly, allowing the church to make changes as they see fit.

Contact us today if you are in need of a lighting upgrade for your Church or your business. We would be happy to offer you some ideas to solve your lighting issues.
To view a case study regarding this project that was written by the team at McWong International, please click here.