Earlier this month High Lighting Service was given the opportunity to spruce up the track lighting inside the Alex and Marie Manoogian Museum. The previous track lighting was old halogen technology, and many of the fixture mounts had become brittle, so brittle that they had cracked and were hanging from their wires. We decided to turn to Parker Reed Lighting’s track lights, replacing the old fixtures with new architectural, adjustable beam angle LED fixtures. The result was being able to accent the pieces of art and historic relics, while not over lighting the other areas.

The Parker Reed track lighting fixture worked great. What helped with the install is that the fixture has a “Global Track”, which allows us to rotate between the multiple circuits inside the track. Also making the job easier is the above mentioned beam adjust-ability, going from 25° to 60°. Without the ability to adjust the beam angle, it would have been impossible to use the current track locations, as the light beams would have been too big or too small in most cases.

The best part of this job was two fold. One, we were able to install these fixtures quickly, helping to keep our labor cost down. Secondly, we’ve have received great feedback from people who have visited the museum. ——“Great work at a fair price”——